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15 April 2015

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Serenity in Hakone: Prince Hakone and Onsen


Jika ingin merasakan suasana Jepang di luar hingar bingar Tokyo, Hakone adalah tempat yang tepat. Kota di Distrik Ashigarashimo, Prefektur Kanagawa ini dikelilingi dengan pegunungan dan memiliki danau biru yang indah. Beberapa kuil dengan torii (gate) berwarna merah juga terlihat jelas di sisi-sisi Hakone.

If you wanna try the new experience in Tokyo apart from the hustle-bustle, Hakone would be perfect. This city is located at Ashigarashimo District in Kanagawa Prefecture, surrounded by mountains and had a beautiful blue lake. Alongside the city, we can see some temples with red torii (gate).

Tempat terbaik untuk menikmati Hakone adalah The Prince Hakone Hotel. Saya datang di saat salju masih menutupi sebagian pohon di area hotel ini, namun Prince Hakone tetap terasa nyaman dengan retro style room, kamar mandi yang lapang dan halaman penuh pepohonan dan tentunya pemandangan langsung ke arah Danau Ashi dari jendela kamar saya, sangat menenangkan.

No other place you could enjoy Hakone better than The Prince Hakone Hotel. The snow was still covering half of tress around the hotel area during my visit yet Prince Hakone was still so comfortable. A retro style room with spacious bathroom, green garden, and view to Ashi Lake right from my window so calmed me down.

Jika ingin mendapatkan pemandangan ke arah Gunung Fuji, anda dapat menempati kamar Mt Fuji View Twin Room, atau kamar yang mengarah ke danau jika ingin pemandangan asri danau dan pepohonan. 

You could stay in Mt. Fuji View Twin Room to enjoy the view of Fuji Mountain, or room led to the lake for a beautiful landscape.
Onsen in Prince Hakone, photo courtesy of Prince Hakone Hotel
Salah satu hal yang wajib dicoba saat berada di Prince adalah hot spring bath atau terkenal dengan nama "onsen." Berendam di air dari sumber air hangat di Jepang ini merupakan salah satu must-do dalam list saya dan di Prince Hakone akhirnya saya memberanikan diri untuk mencoba dan ternyata sangat menyenangkan.

One must-try in Prince was the hot spring bath or also known as “onsen”. Dipping into warm water source has became one of my to-do-list in Japan, and finally I encouraged myself to try it in Prince Hakone. It was excitingly fun 
You have to take a bath first before dipping into the hot spring pool, photo courtesy of Prince Hakone
Hal yang mungkin menahan sebagian dari kita untuk mencoba onsen adalah kewajiban untuk menanggalkan semua baju saat berendam, bahkan kita tidak boleh menggunakan bikini saat berendam. Namun tenang saja karena area berendam pria dan wanita terpisah, sebelum berendam kita pun wajib membersihkan diri terlebih dahulu di area khusus dan masuk ke area kolam usai membersihkan diri.

The most reason that hold us to try onsen maybe the rules that we have to take off all the clothes before dipping, even bikini or any swimwear was not permitted. But no need to worry since there is separate area for men and women. Before entering the onsen, you have to wash yourself in a special bathroom to keep the onsen clean.
Photo courtesy of Prince Hakone
Di udara yang sangat dingin saya akhirnya masuk ke kolam beratapkan kayu ini dan menikmati suasana onsen yang sangat menyenangkan. Hot spring bath di Prince Hakone sangat menggambarkan onsen dalam bayangan saya, berada di luar dengan batu-batu di sekeliling, taman dan pemandangan Danau Ashi persis saat berendam, sangat nyaman dan membuat saya enggan beranjak keluar dari kolam.

In the very cold weather, I slowly entered this wooden-roof bath and started enjoy the atmosphere. Hot spring bath in Prince Hakone was exactly what I thought about onsen all this time. Dipping at an outdoor bath surrounded by rocks, garden, and view of Ashi Lake was too relaxing that I didn’t want to get out.

Patrick wants to get out and play :)
If you're looking for serenity in Japan, this could be one of the places to visit and enjoy.
@marischkaprue - she loves dipping in warm water

  • The Prince Hakone Hotel terletak di 144 Motohakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-shimo-gun, Kanagawam 250-0592, Japan
  • The Prince Hakone Hotel is at 144 Motohakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-shimo-gun, Kanagawam 250-0592, Japan  
  • Saya menginap di The Prince Hakone dalam rangkaian Fuji & Hakone Tour, mengikuti tour ini lebih mudah karena sudah termasuk penjemputan di Tokyo, berkeliling Fuji (visitor center, 5th station), lake cruise, penginapan di Prince Hakone hingga tiket kembali ke Tokyo. Cek harga di website JTB.
  • I stay in The Prince Hakone as a part of Fuji & Hakone Tour. Join this tour was a complete package since they also provide you with pick-up transport in Tokyo, touring around Fuji (visitor center, 5th station), lake cruise, accommodation in Prince Hakone, until return ticket to Tokyo. Check rate on JTB website here.