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29 September 2013

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Friends with Stingray at Ray Bay


Sebagian orang mengenal stingray atau ikan pari sebagai pembunuh Steve Irwin, sang penakluk binatang binatang liar dan berbahaya yang ironisnya meninggal akibat kecelakaan disaat ia berupaya memegang ikan pari. 

Most people know stingray as animal which killed Steve Irwin , the wildlife expert who ironically died from an accident when he attempted to hold a stingray.

Ikan pari sebenarnya adalah binatang yang tidak agresif. Mereka hanya menyerang untuk membela diri di saat merasa terancam. Mesti menyakitkan, racun semacam duri yang muncul di bagian ekor stingray tidak menyebabkan kematian, kecuali bagian yang terkena adalah dada atau bagian abdomen seperti yang terjadi pada Steve Irwin

Stingray is actually a non-aggressive animals which only attack in self-defense when threatened. The attack of a stingray is painful, the poison spines that appears at the stingray's tail mostly do not cause death, except when the affected area is part of the chest or abdomen as happened to Steve Irwin  

Met this stingray during dive in Siaba Besar, Komodo, Flores
Di saat diving melihat stingray selalu menarik, meski hanya dapat memperhatikan tanpa boleh memegang. Saat bermain di pesisir pantai pun ada beberapa lokasi yang dihindari karena seringkali ada stingray bersembunyi di pasir, menginjak binatang ini dapat menyebabkan mereka kaget dan mengeluarkan "duri" tersembunyi di ekor mereka.

Seeing these creatures during diving is always interesting, but I can only see and not touching them at all. Also when you enjoy your time at the beach, there are some locations which are often avoided since a lot of stingray hide in the sand, stomping these animals can make them shocked and inject their "thorn" which hidden in their tails.

Yes, you can feed them :)
Namun di Marine Life Park, Sentosa di Singapura ada area dimana anda dapat berinteraksi dengan pari laut tanpa perlu takut terkena sengat mereka. Ray Bay adalah semacam kolam besar di Adventure Cove Waterpark dimana ada 65 ikan pari dari 10 spesies yang berbeda yang dapat anda sentuh dan bahkan dapat diberi makan langsung dari tangan anda.
But at the Marine Life Park , Sentosa in Singapore there are areas where you can interact with stingrays without fear of being stung by them. Ray Bay is a place at Adventure Cove Waterpark with large pond filled with 65 rays of 10 different species that you can touch and also you can feed them directly from your hand.

Saya memasuki kolam dengan kedalaman sekitar 75 sentimeter sambil melihat ikan pari berkeliaran. Mulai dari blue spotted ray, coachwhip ray, cownose ray hingga spotted eagle ray berkeliaran di dekat kaki saya tanpa takut. "Disini racun mereka sudah dibuang karena mereka tidak perlu perlindungan dari predator asli, jadi berinteraksi dengan ikan pari disini sangat aman," ujar salah satu Ray Bay officer yang menemani kami.
I entered the pool with a depth of about 75 centimeters while watching stingrays milling around my feet. From blue spotted ray, coachwhip ray, cownose ray and spotted eagle ray wandering up near us without fear. "Here they don't need protection from their native predators so we took the sting from their body and it's completely safe to interact with them," said one Ray Bay officer who accompany us.

The black ray is as smooth as velvet!
Selain aman rupanya ikan pari yang ada disini sangat bersemangat saat kami masuk ke dalam kolam. Bagi mereka manusia adalah pemberi makanan enak menu makan mereka yaitu potongan ikan dan cumi cumi. Ikan pari ini langsung mengambil potongan ikan dari tangan dan anda akan merasakan halusnya tubuh mereka, bahkan ada ikan pari berwarna hitam yang bagian tubuhnya sangat halus seperti beludru.
Beside its completely safe to step in the pond, the stingray here are even more excited than me when we get into the water. For them human are those giving their tasty food like fish and squids. These rays immediately took the food from our hands and you'll feel how smooth their skins are. Even the black ray have skin which felt like velvet when you touch them.

The cownose ray
Salah satu ikan pari yang paling bersemangat adalah cownose ray yang beberapa kali langsung mendatangi kami sambil membuka mulutnya lebar lebar minta disuapi makanan, super cute!

One of the most eagerly stingray is cownose ray which came straight at us a few times and opened their mouth wide asking for food, super cute!

He's the Ray Bay officer so he didn't have to wear gloves
Prosedur memberi makanan di Ray Bay pun tidak rumit, anda hanya perlu memakai sarung tangan dan booties agar tidak melukai tubuh stingray, ingat kuku jari kita bisa saja tajam dan melukai mereka. Selain itu pada saat masuk ke kolam yang beralaskan pasir kita perlu sedikit menggerak gerakkan kaki di tempat agar ikan pari ini dapat mengetahui keberadaan kita dan tidak terinjak. Cukup mengingat dua hal ini dan anda dapat menikmati interaksi langsung dengan ikan pari. Favorit saya adalah spotted eagle ray yang tampak seperti burung sedang terbang di air, serta cownose ray yang sangat jinak.
The procedures of stingray feeding in Ray Bay isn't complicated at all, you just need to wear gloves and booties so you won't hurt the stingray, remember our fingernails could be sharp and hurt them. Also when you dip into the pond we need to shuffle our feet a bit so that the stingray will know we are coming so we won't step on them. Just remember these two things and you can enjoy interacting with these animals. My favorite is the spotted eagle ray which looked like birds flying underwater, also the cownose ray which is very "friendly"

Satu lagi, di kolam Ray Bay ini rupanya ada ikan pari yang sedang hamil! Saya bertanya kepada petugas kenapa ada bagian yang dipisahkan jaring, ternyata di dalamnya ada ikan pari berukuran kecil yang lahir di kolam ini, serta satu ikan pari yang sedang hamil. Sepertinya beberapa bulan ke depan kolam ini akan semakin ramai dengan penghuni baru.. :)
One more, apparently one ray in Ray Bay pond is pregnant! I asked the officer why there are parts that are separated by nets, it turned out they separate the pregnant ray from the other rays. Looks like in the next few months there will be new residents in Ray Bay :)

@marischkaprue - rays are friends, not food

  • Ray Bay berada di Adventure Cove Waterpark, Marine Life Park, Resort World Sentosa, Singapura.
  • Ray Bay located in Adventure Cove Waterpark, Marine Life Park, Resort World Sentosa, Singapore. 
  • Untuk tahu lebih banyak tentang apa yang ada di Adventure Cove Waterpark, bisa cek di blog Ariev Rahman disini
  • To know more about what's inside Adventure Cove Waterpark, check out on my friend blog, Ariev Rahman, here  
  • Biaya untuk berinteraksi dengan ikan pari di Ray Bay adalah 38 SGD (Singapore Dollar) dan tidak termasuk tiket masuk Adventure Cove Waterpark
  • Admission price to interact with rays in Ray Bay is 38 SGD (Singapore Dollar), not included the tickets to enter Adventure Cove Waterpark.
  • Harga tiket masuk Adventure Cove Waterpark saat non peak (Senin hingga Jumat): 29 SGD (dewasa), 20 SGD (anak anak dan di atas 60 tahun); during peak: 33 SGD (dewasa), 23 SGD (anak anak dan di atas 60 tahun)
  • Admission price to enter Adventure Cove Waterpark during non peak (Monday to Friday):
    29 SGD (adult), 20 SGD (child 4-12 years old and above 60 years old); during peak: 33 SGD (adult), 23 SGD (child 4-12 years old and above 60 years old)
  • Ada 4 sesi interaksi Ray Bay setiap hari di pukul 10.45, 12.45, 14.45 dan 16.45 dengan maksimal 6 peserta setiap sesi.
  • There are 4 Ray Bay interaction sessions every day during 10.45, 12.45, 14.45 and 16.45 with maximum 6 person per session. 
  • Kontak Resort World Sentosa: +65778888
  • Resort World Sentosa, Contact: +65778888