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2 Juli 2013

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Diving In Jailolo, Fruitfull Underwater


Pulau Babua terletak tidak jauh dari Teluk Jailolo, Halmahera Barat. Hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar sepuluh hingga 15 menit menyeberang dengan kapal kayu, anda sudah bisa melihat pulau dengan pasir putih dan air laut yang bening hingga ke dasar di sekeliling pulau ini. Namun keindahan sesungguhnya dari Babua terletak di dalam, di bawah permukaan laut.

Located not far from Jailolo Bay, West Halmahera, it only took about ten to 15 minutes crossing to Babua Island where you can see the island, complete with white sand and clear sea water where you can even see the bottom during daylight. However, the real beauty of Babua located within, below sea level.

Jailolo wall is full of corals

Ada dua spot dive di area Babua, pertama persis di area pulau yaitu NHR 1, dinamakan NHR dari singkatan Nama Bupati Halmahera Barat, Namto Hui Roba yang menemukan titik titik penyelaman di Jailolo. Spot pertama penyelaman ini sangat mudah, entry dilakukan dari garis pantai yang berpasir putih dan setelah turun ke kedalaman, sepuluh meter kemudian kita akan menemukan wall dan menyusuri area itu. Mulai dari wall, slope hingga wall kembali dengan kedalaman penyelaman antara 15 hingga 25 meter. Lokasi kedua adalah Jojo Reef NHR 6, dengan mengitari terumbu karang mulai dari lima hingga 20 meter yang meliputi beberapa sisi wall di laut Jailolo.

There are two dive spots in the area of Babua, the first is in the island area, named NHR 1, stands from Namto Hui Roba, the West Halmahera regents who found a lot of dive spots in Jailolo. This dive spot is very easy, the entry is from the sandy coastline and after going down and dive about 10 meters far, we will encounter the wallFrom a depth about 15 until 25 meters, we can dive in a route of wall, slope and going back to the wall again. Meanwhile the second dive spot is the Jojo Reef which called NHR 6, with coral reefs ranging from five to 20 meters which includes some wall in the Jailolo sea.

that's me

Saat saya menyelam laut sedikit lebih keruh dari biasanya. Jarak pandang sekitar 15 hingga 20 meter, padahal menurut dive guide saya, Kang Adit, jika menyelam di saat terbaik, laut Jailolo di area Babua ini sangat jernih.

When I dive, the visibility wasn't as good as usual. It range around 15 to 20 meters, but according to my dive guide, Kang Adit, during best season the sea around Babua island is very clear and the visibility is top notch.
The magnificent sea anemones really look like green apple underwater
Can you spot the orangutan crab?
The ninja shrimp, Mantis shrimp
Namun rupanya tidak perlu jarak pandang yang sangat luas untuk menikmati keindahan bawah laut Jailolo. Dari wall saya sudah melihat soft coral dan hard coral memenuhi seluruh sisi, dengan banyaknya magnificent sea anemone yang tampak seperti apel berwarna warni di bawah laut saat menutup, lengkap dengan anemone fish seperti jenis false clown fish.

But apparently we don't need that top notch visibility to enjoy the beauty from underwater in this area. Since first time diving along the wall, I enjoy seeing a lot of corals covered the wall. Some sea anemones catch my attention, magnificent sea anemones looks like colorful apple under the sea while the lower part is closing, forming a ball-shaped colorful beauty.

Makhluk laut unik seperti orangutan crab pun dapat ditemui di sela sela anemon. Orangutan crab sangat kecil dan butuh kejelian untuk menemukan kepiting kecil yang berbulu merah ini. 
Unique sea creatures such as orangutans crab can be found between the anemones also. This creature is very small and it would take extra attention and focus to find this red hairy crab.

A beautiful coral garden!
Nudi branch, a chromodoris bullocki
Ribbon eel
The many-spotted sweetlips is a little bit shy and swim away
Selanjutnya anda hanya perlu mengikuti rute penyelaman dan menikmati kombinasi berbagai jenis koral, sea fan serta beberapa nudi branch berwarna cerah hingga ribbon eel yang mengintip dari balik lubang. A great place to dive and enjoy underwater world!

Then you just need to follow the dive route and enjoy the combination of different types of coral, sea fans and some brightly colored nudi branch and even ribbon eel peeking out from the hole. A great place to dive and enjoy the underwater world!

@marischkaprue - Never bored being underwater

  • To get to Jailolo, took a flight to Ternate and then you can took an hour speedboat trip to Jailolo Bay
  • For diving in Jailolo, also information about the best season to dive there, contact Nasijaha Diving Centre +6281356329849  
  • There are more than 12 dive sites in Jailolo, including Sindangoli Wreck in the southern side of Jailolo Bay, find what kind of diving experience you want to get will determine which dive sites you should choose.